a business like this one sooner or later the subject of gun control and the
Second Amendment is bound to come up. I want to make our position on that
debate clear from the start.
We believe that our right to defend ourselves is established from a source far
above what any government can rightfully claim. The founders of this nation recognized that and you can see
that view acknowledged in the Second Amendment, which means what it says in
plain English.
Evidence of that view is available in the Federalist Papers and other
statements made in print and in lively debates by the founders of the country
and in our view should be clear to any fair minded person based on an
examination of the record and common sense. Check out this website to see what the founders
thought about an armed populace. You might notice in reading the material
on that website that the founders insisted not only that people be armed but
that they also be proficient in the use of firearms. While it is true
that at least to some extent we still have the right to keep and bear arms it
is also true that many of those who exercise that right are definitely not
proficient in their use.
If anyone can find evidence that the majority of those men felt that the Second
Amendment does NOT apply to private citizens please use the Contact Form
to send me a reference.
People today can debate how the Second Amendment should be interpreted today
but they cannot logically argue based on the record against its intent at the
time the Constitution was ratified. Just for the record, the Bill of
Rights does not grant us rights. What the Bill of Rights does is to limit
the power of the federal government. It was created by the representatives
of the people (most of whom at that time actually tried to represent their
constituents) in order to gain enough support to form a workable
government. Without those ten amendments (all of which address individual
rights and place limits on the federal government) the Constitution would not
have been ratified at all.
Nor in our view is the Constitution a flawed document (currently popular
terminology). The founding fathers had enough foresight to provide a
means for changing the Constitution should it prove to be lacking at some point
in the future. We can still do that today by amending it just as has been done seventeen times
in the past (not counting the Bill of Rights which would elevate the count to
27). Perhaps we would be better off today specifically and not
exclusively with respect to the Second Amendment if elected officials at the
national level were to adhere to their oath of office and actually support and
defend the Constitution rather than ignore it. Perhaps the country would
be better off if we were to require those who take the oath of office to
actually support and defend the Constitution in order to adhere to that oath.
Watch this YouTube video in which Dr. Susan Gratia-Hupp testifies before a US
Senate committee and attempts to educate the committee members about what the
Second Amendment means. Click on Video to watch it. Senator Schumer
apparently does not like what she says but he has the good sense not to
challenge it. How could he? She is right and he knows it